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Rev’d Jim Pye

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Ascension Day - 9th May

CW      Luke 24.44-53               Acts 1.1-11

BCP     Acts 1.1-11

Easter 7/Sunday after Ascension - 12th May

CW      John 17.6-19                 Psalm 1  

BCP      John 15:26-16:4            1 Peter 4.7-11

Pentecost/Whit Sunday - 19th May

CW      John 15.26-25,16.4b-15   Acts 2.1-21   All Age

BCP      John 14.15-21                  Acts 2.1-21

Trinity Sunday - 26th May

CW      John 3.1-17                    Romans 8.12-17              

BCP      John 3.1-17                    Revelation 4:1-11

Trinity 1 - 2nd June

CW      Mark 2.23-3.6                                       

BCP      Luke 16:19-31                1 John 4:7-21

Trinity 2 - 9th June

CW      Mark 3.20-35              

BCP      Luke 14:16-24                 1 John 3:13-24

Trinity 3 - 16th June

CW       Mark 4.26-34                    

BCP       Luke 15:1-10                  1 Peter 5.5-11

Trinity 4 - 23rd June

CW       Mark 4.35-41                 2 Corinthians 6.1-10      

BCP       Luke 6.36-42                  Romans 8.18-23

Trinity 5 - 30th June

CW       Mark 5.21-43                 2 Corinthians 8.7-24      

BCP       Luke 5.1-11                    1 Peter 3.8-15

Trinity 6 - 7th July

CW       Mark 6.1-13                     2 Corinthians 12.1-10     

BCP       Matthew 5:20-26             Romans 6.3-11

Trinity 7 - 14th July

CW       Mark 6.14-29                   Ephesians 1.3-14        

BCP       Mark 8.1-9                      Romans 6.19-23

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