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Maundy Thursday 17/4/03 Year B : John 13:1-17,31b-35
It was the night Jesus was betrayed. Verse 1 tells us it was just before the Passover Feast. From this Passover the Feast would be redundant. The Jews celebrated the passing over of the angel of death in Egypt because of the blood of lambs on their doorposts.
Jesus blood was spread on the wood of the cross. Sprinkled once and for all so that everyone could go free. Free from the power of sin and death to live for God. It was no accident that the crucifixion of Jesus occurred at Passover time.
Jesus knew what was happening. Read verse 1 Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. 3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God;
What happened was all planned by God. Yes, the devil was involved in prompting Judas to betray Jesus. But everything was under Jesus' power. Judas, the Sanheidren, Pontius Pilate.
Jesus was in control. He knew who he was and what was going to happen. He faced the pain and the suffering of the cross voluntarily. His security came not from what people thought of him, but from his relationship with God the Father.
That is why verse 4 starts "so". Jesus was secure in the power assigned to him by God the Father that he did not need to stand on his position as 'Teacher' and 'Lord'. He could have ordered one of the disciples to wash the feet. This was something that a master would do to a pupil.
The disciples feet would have been caked with dust and dung from the streets of Jerusalem. They were no doubt already reclining at the table. The feet of someone being near the head of another. They were probably waiting to see what would happen. There had been no slave there when they arrived and the job of foot washing was reserved for the lowest of the low. A Gentile slave, woman, a child or a pupil normally. The disciples were concerned about which of them would be the greatest in heaven, so none of them would have wanted to seem inferior by washing the others feet.
So Jesus did it. Willingly, humbly. Jesus had willingly left the glory of heaven to take upon himself human flesh. With all the weakness and pain that would flow from that. Especially on a cross. In humility, considering other people before himself. That is the full extent of his love that verse 1 referred to. The foot washing was an illustration of his ministry which was about service, not status.
A Jew in a concentration camp could not understand her Christian friend's faith in Jesus crucifixion as the means of washing and saving her. One day, as they stood in a queue for the showers the Christian asked her Jewish friend to go back into their hut and get something for her. "I'll keep your place", she said, taking her towel and prisoners number. When the woman returned her friend had gone into the gas chamber and died. The saved woman came out with the other woman's number. That is the power of washing that the cross offers.
Jesus comes to Peter. He was impulsive looking at the external, the social outlook. How could his master wash his feet. He had said to Jesus "Depart from me Lord for I am a sinful man" when Jesus had produced that miraculous catch of fish. He couldn't let Jesus do this menial task. Look at his feet, they were dirty, smelly, rather ugly really with scars from years of walking on dusty roads. And his toe nails needed cutting !
Jesus alters the way Peter looks at things. He tells him that it is a picture of what he will do for Peter on the cross. Making Peter clean in God's eyes by Jesus taking the punishment for everything that Peter had ever done wrong. verse 8 Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me."
Peter blurts out the first thing that comes to his head in characteristic fashion. Verse 9,." "Then, Lord," Simon Peter replied, "not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!" Jesus slightly alters the picture that he uses in verse 10 Jesus answered, "A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean." He is saying that a commitment to following Jesus is like having a bath. It washes us completely clean in the sight of God. After that we only need the occasional but regular, minor wash. Forgiveness of our sins that we have committed.
We are made clean, put right with God through Jesus death for us on the cross. And through listening to and obeying the words of Jesus. We know this because later that night, 15:3 Jesus said "You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you."
The only one who was not clean was Judas, verse 11. And you are clean, though not every one of you." Judas had decided to go his own way and not God's way. He was, no doubt disappointed that the ministry of Jesus was not going to involve military victory over the Romans. Such a scenario would have left him in a very good position as Treasurer of the disciples.
Jesus explains the visual aid or parable that he has just performed. He starts off by reaffirming his position as Teacher and Lord to show that this does not exclude him from carrying out menial tasks. That his whole ministry is about selfless giving. Jesus said that his followers should follow his example.
Maundy Thursday was originally called Mandate Thursday, referring to the new mandate that Jesus gave to his disciples 34"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
In the early days of Christianity kings and emperors used to copy Jesus' actions on Maundy Thursday. They would wash the feet of poor people, sometimes of beggars. The Kings of England would have homeless people brought to them, one for each year of their reign, and would wash their feet before giving them clothing and food. This ended in 1685 when James II decided that this was beneath his dignity. He decided to give money to poor people who were less scruffy and more deserving. This custom has survived until today.
The only time in Scripture that Jesus ever says follow my example is in verse 15.
15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. These are some of Jesus last words to his disciples the evening before his crucifixion.
Why should we do this ? Firstly out of obedience to Christ.
Secondly because, if we do not, we are saying by our actions that we are better than Jesus. verse 16, I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.
We are to serve Jesus selflessly, in humility, in menial and thankless tasks. No-one has the right to think that he/she is exempt from the task willingly undertaken by Jesus.
In "Spiritual Disciplines For The Christian Life" by Donald Whitney serving is one of the Spiritual Disciplines that it deals with. He writes "We need to be honest about the Spiritual Discipline of serving God. It is not a job for the casually interested. It's costly service. He asks for your life. He asks for service to be a priority, not a pastime. He doesn't want servants who give him the leftovers of their life's commitments. Serving God isn't a short-term responsibility either... Serving must become a Spiritual Discipline. The flesh connives against its hiddenness and sameness. Two of the deadliest of our sins, sloth and pride, loathe serving. They paint glazes on our eyes and put chains on our hands and feet so we don't serve as we know we should or even as we want to."
Our service should also be motivated by gratitude for what God has done for us in forgiving us, motivated by humility like the humility shown by Christ, motivated by the love of God who lives within us by his Holy Spirit.
Serving Christ will result in blessing for those who serve him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. This does not mean that it will not be hard work because service costing nothing will accomplish nothing. But God knows of our service to him and will reward this. Hebrews 6:10 says "God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them..."
We may not see the rewards for our service until we are face to face with God. Serving him and, therefore others, will make us more like Jesus. The one who came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many ( Mark 10:45).
Christians are needed to respond to the need to serve God. Perhaps if we were to advertise it would read like this :-
WANTED : Volunteers for difficult service in the local expression of the Kingdom of God. Motivation to serve should be obedience to God, gratitude, gladness, forgiveness, humility, and love. Service will rarely be glorious. Temptation to quit place of service will sometimes be strong. Volunteers must be faithful in spite of long hours, little or no visible results, and possibly no recognition except from God in eternity.
How does this apply to our church today ?
We can rejoice and be thankful for those who have served and continue to serve in this church. There are many examples of faithful people over the years who have done this. You only have to look around the church and see some of them here today. I am not mentioning any by name for fear of embarrassment, and from fear that some may feel left out.
There are many areas in which we could do with additional help.
After the Annual meeting we still need a Churchwarden and we have some spaces on the P.C.C.
Dave Howe needs help with the Adventurer's on Tuesday evenings. This is currently suspended due to a lack of help. Maybe some people would be willing to help on a rota rather than every week. Please see Dave or myself if you could help or if you think you know of someone who might be suitable.
As we reflect on this passage let us ask ourselves :-
Have I been washed by Jesus? Does God see me, soiled by the sin that can separate us from God. Or does he see Jesus in me. Clean and pure. If today you are aware of the need to be washed by Jesus, to ask his forgiveness for everything that you have ever done wrong, and to dedicate the rest of your life to him there will be a chance to do so in a few moments time.
Or perhaps you have been washed by Jesus and you are aware of the need to respond to his command to serve him.
Lord Jesus Christ,
you humbled yourself in taking the form of a servant,
and in obedience died on the cross for our salvation:
give us the mind to follow and serve you
and to proclaim you as Lord and King,
to the glory of God the Father.
Maundy Thursday 12/4/01 7.30 p.m. John 13:1-17,31-35.
Like any father I am involved in doing some tasks that are rather unpleasant. Getting up in the early hours to change a nappy and wiping up vomit is an example. But we do these things because we love our children and this outweighs our revulsion at carrying out such tasks.
The disciples were awaiting their meal. Reclining on seats in horseshoe shape. Each with someone's feet nearby. They had just walked dung filled streets in sandals. This didn't add to the flavour of the food ! It was usual for a slave to wash feet. Most menial job done by most junior slave. There was no such slave there.
Let us imagine what the disciples may have been thinking :
Thomas thought the slave had been delayed. He started to think about who's feet smelled the worst !
Judas Iscariot seemed too busy thinking about something else that was very important.
Peter decided that, as leader of the disciples he could not lower himself to such a menial task.
Andrew felt rather tired. After all they had just walked 65 miles from Capernaum to Jerusalem.
Bartholomew wasn't really concentrating. He couldn't be bothered. Perhaps he was going down with something ?
Philip was worrying about the future and Jesus predictions that he was going to die.
James and John weren't going to wash anyone's feet. They were fishermen, not gifted in feet washing. They were used to smelling of fish themselves anyway.
So Jesus steps in and takes the role of a slave or servant. A slave had no rights and was the personal property to be used or disposed of by his /her master.
Jesus had a slave's heart, and a slave's actions.
Slave's heart.
Slave could rebel against master, make life difficult by following his own way, or obey for a relationship of mutual goodwill & affection.
Jesus put the wishes of God the Father, and the well being of others before his own interests. Here he shows this by taking menial role of foot washing. The next day by going to the cross.
Motivated by love, verse 34.
Slave's actions.
Seen from imaginary thoughts of disciples that easy to make excuses not to serve. Someone else can do it. Too busy or preoccupied. Pride. Tiredness. Being unaware or apathetic. Concern about the future... or the past. Thinking we have to be gifted...
Unfortunately we live in a world where people would rather spectate and be entertained than be committed to a cause. This is not just in churches but voluntary organisations and political parties. Sometimes it is more difficult to bring oneself to serve than it is to actually serve, e.g. post pile ! once start not so bad !
Have you seen the badges some Christians wear with 'WWJD' on them ? It stands for What Would Jesus Do ?
Verse 15, 'I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.'
Verse 34, 'A new commandment I give you; Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.'
We live in a spectator mentality where many people's attitude is that they can sit back and be entertained. We see this in the rise in popularity of television, the internet and computer games, and in the decrease in commitment to voluntary organisations, the church and political parties.
Jesus teaches and shows that we are to follow his way of loving, humble service. Putting other people needs before our own. Working for him and others is true evidence that we love him and obey his commands.
Let us thank God for Jesus, his teaching, his example, his humility in willingly going to the cross for each one of us.
Let us thank God for the people who have given and do give their time and energies to the running of this church.
Let us commit ourselves afresh to the service of the one who is King of kings and Lord of lords. For over six years more people have been giving things up than taking things on. I have taken some of these responsibilities upon myself which has hindered my ability to discharge other aspects of my ministry. I am encouraged that we have a 'full' P.C.C. this year for the second year running and pray that God would bring forward more people to serve him within this church.
Ask yourself the question WWJD regarding your own involvement in this church.
Let us pray that God will give us the hearts and the actions of slaves.
Lord Jesus Christ,
you humbled yourself in taking the form of a servant,
and in obedience died on the cross for our salvation:
give us the mind to follow and serve you
and to proclaim you as Lord and King,
to the glory of God the Father.