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MIDI Music

We have been using MIDI music for nearly all our services since early 1995. The following titles are ones which we have sequenced, or that I have reworked.If you download please ensure that you do not infringe copyright for the words or music. If I have unintentionally done this, or offended anyone by reworking their file, please e-mail me ( rather than sue me, see 1 Corinthians 6 ! ).

I have written a short article on MIDI music, click here.

 A song about giving/paying taxes suitable for Matthew 22:15-22 and Romans 13 to the tune of "Y.M.C.A."


Now Playing : 'Trust and obey/When we walk with the Lord' reggae version !

( Press 'Stop' on your internet browser if you don't want to hear this )




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